Shiraito Falls (Karuizawa) Stock Footage(No) PIXTA, a marketplace of stock footage, offers over high quality stock videos at affordable price A variety of royalty free clips are available for 4K, web, TVCM, TV programs, digital signages, PVs and any other usageYou can take a bus from Karuizawa to Shiraito Falls via Karuizawa, Takasaki, 高崎駅東口(4番のりば), 河口湖駅(4番), and 白糸の滝入口 in around 6h 44m Alternatively, you can take a train from Karuizawa to Shiraito Falls via Komoro, Kobuchizawa, Kofu, Fujinomiya, 富士宮駅, and 白糸の滝入口 in around 8h 26m21/1/19 Because of the falls' long arc, you'll need a wide angle lens to fit the whole area in frame For some unique shots, try getting down on the ground and using rocks and leaves as foreground interest There are also a few spots on the left side where you can get up close to the falls Returning to Karuizawa Station from Shiraito Falls Karuizawa Kumoba Pond And Shiraito Falls Day Tour From Tokyo Klook Uk Shiraito falls karuizawa winter ...